Import and export of CAD and GIS data - Noor Artificiel


Import and Export of CAD and GIS Data


The software allows users to import and export CAD and GIS data, providing flexibility and compatibility with various file formats.

Importing Data

TopoCAD supports the import of various CAD and GIS file formats such as DWG, DXF, SHP, and TAB.

Steps to Import Data

  1. Open the Import Data function in TopoCAD
  2. Select the file to be imported
  3. Configure the import settings
  4. Complete the import process

Exporting Data

TopoCAD allows users to export data in various file formats such as DWG, DXF, SHP, and TAB.

Steps to Export Data

  1. Open the Export Data function in TopoCAD
  2. Select the data to be exported
  3. Configure the export settings
  4. Complete the export process

Benefits of Importing and Exporting CAD and GIS Data

  • Increased flexibility in working with different file formats
  • Compatibility with other software applications
  • Improved accuracy and efficiency in project workflows

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