Move and copy data between folders and categories - Noor Artificiel


Move and Copy Data Between Folders and Categories


Organizing your project data into folders and categories is essential for efficient project management. However, as your project progresses, you may need to move or copy data from one folder or category to another. Here's how to do it in a few simple steps:

Move Data Between Folders

  1. Open the Project Explorer in your project management software.
  2. Select the data you want to move.
  3. Right-click on the data and select "Cut" or use the shortcut "Ctrl + X".
  4. Navigate to the folder where you want to move the data.
  5. Right-click on an empty space in the folder and select "Paste" or use the shortcut "Ctrl + V".

That's it! Your data has now been moved to the new folder.

Copy Data Between Categories

  1. Open the Project Explorer in your project management software.
  2. Select the data you want to copy.
  3. Right-click on the data and select "Copy" or use the shortcut "Ctrl + C".
  4. Navigate to the category where you want to copy the data.
  5. Right-click on an empty space in the category and select "Paste" or use the shortcut "Ctrl + V".

Congratulations! You have successfully copied your data to a new category.

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