Researcher 19 courses - Noor Artificiel


Researcher  19 courses

Researcher  19 courses

  1. Introduction to Federated Learning
  2. People + AI Guidebook
  3. Clusteering
  4. Recommendation Systems
  5. Testing and Debugging in Machine Learning
  6. Machne Learning Craash Course with TensorFlow APIs
  7. Responsible AI pratices
  8. Seedbank - Machine Learning discovery
  9. TensorFlow Workshops
  10. Machinee Learning Glossary
  11. AI Experiments
  12. Serverless Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform
  13. Samples for Google Cloud MAchine Learning Engine
  14. Guide for Machine Learning on Google Cloud Platform
  15. TensorFlow documentation
  16. Cloud Machinee Learning Engine Documentation 
  17. CloudVision API Codelab
  18. Serverless Machine Learning Codelab
  19. Data engineering on Google Cloud Platform Specialization


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