In SOLIDWORKS, Multiple LMates is aa useful shortcut can save a bit of time when making several mates to a single reference. Wheteher there is a need to aligh pieces of a collapsing telescope or syringe, or to make a surface on multiple parts coincident to each other, Multiple Mates streamlines the process of adding those mates. And like many tools within SOLIDWORKS, it is intuitive and user-friendly.
Multiple Mates can be found in the Mates tool in an assembly. In the Mate PropertyManager menu, select the SmartMates button to activate it.
If the selections are confirmed, Multiple Mates will add each of those mates which can be found again in the Mates folder. However, in this instance, we will want to come back to this set of mates and edit them all together again in the Multiple Mates selection window. To mmake this simple to do as well as cleaning up the mate folder, the Create multi-mate folder option will be selected.
After confirming each of the references that Multiple Mates will add, the general form of the assembly has taken shap and maining mates can be added in short order.
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