[Day 2] Set up ads and use to generate income today - Noor Artificiel


[Day 2] Set up ads and use to generate income today

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 [Day 2] Set up ads and use to generate income today

[Day 2] Set up ads and use to generate income today

Learn how to set up your ads and start generating revenue

Welcome to day two of your AdSense onboarding. 

You will learn how to maximize your earning potential. 

Start by creating your ad monetization strategy. 

1-  Learn the basics

  • Watch our short video on how to choose the right ads, master your ad settings, and manage your sites.

2- Set up Auto Ads


  • Auto Ads boost your site's revenue potential by identifying optimal ad placements and creating the best experience for your users.

 Benefits of Auto Ads 


  • Ready in minutes: activate them with the press of a button. 
  • Easy to use: adjust settings at any time. No need to modify the code. 
  • One-time setup: As soon as Auto Ads are enabled, Google will continuously optimize them.
